Unveiling the Royal Jelly Benefits: Why It’s Worth the Buzz
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Unveiling the Royal Jelly Benefits: Why It’s Worth the Buzz

Royal jelly, a milky secretion produced by worker honey bees, has fascinated me since I learned of its pivotal role in the development and nurturing of queen bees 1. Its unique composition, which includes water, carbs, protein, fat, B vitamins, trace minerals, and distinct proteins and fatty acids, is thought to be the key behind the royal jelly benefits 1 2. Moreover, this remarkable substance is believed to hold potential in treating a variety of ailments and conditions, making it a subject of interest for both traditional and modern medicine 2.

In my exploration of royal jelly benefits, I will delve into its documented health advantages, including its impact on skin and wound healing, bone health, menopause symptoms, cognitive function, and mental health 2 3. The versatility of royal jelly, available in natural form as well as in powder or capsule, underscores its appeal and potential for a broad range of dosages 3. However, it’s crucial to be informed of the royal honey side effects, as it may provoke allergic reactions in certain individuals and interact with various medications 3. Join me as I uncover why royal jelly is indeed worth the buzz and how to incorporate it safely into your wellness routine.

What is Royal Jelly?

Royal jelly is a complex and nutritious substance, pivotal to the development of bee colonies, especially the queen bees. Let’s delve into its composition and uses:

  • Origin and Composition:
    • Produced by worker honeybees, royal jelly is a secretion from the pharyngeal glands 5.
    • It comprises water (50 to 60 percent), proteins (18 percent), carbohydrates (15 percent), lipids (3 to 6 percent), and mineral salts (1.5 percent), along with small amounts of vitamins and minerals, including several types of vitamin B 9.
    • The substance contains major royal jelly proteins (MRJP), which are crucial for larval development and health 8.
  • Variability and Properties:
    • The composition of royal jelly can vary depending on geography and climate, affecting its nutritional profile 4.
    • It is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, making it a dense source of nutrition 4.
  • Applications:
    • Beyond its critical role in bee colonies, royal jelly is used in creams and dietary supplements, attributed to its general health and well-being benefits 8.
    • However, it’s important to note that the nutrients found in royal jelly are available from other sources, and the large amounts required for beneficial effects may not be practical for human consumption 7.

This detailed look at royal jelly highlights its unique nature and the reasons behind its consideration for health and wellness applications, despite some practical limitations 5 6 7 8 9 10.

Health Benefits of Royal Jelly

Exploring the multifaceted health benefits of royal jelly, it’s clear why this natural substance has garnered attention for its potential to enhance overall well-being. From boosting immune functions to improving cognitive health, royal jelly offers a wide array of advantages:

  • Immune System and Allergies: Royal jelly can fortify the immune system and mitigate the histamine response to allergens, offering relief from seasonal allergies 11. Its antibacterial properties further reduce the risk of infections, contributing to a robust immune defense 1.
  • Cognitive and Mental Health: There is evidence to suggest that royal jelly may enhance cognitive functions such as memory and learning abilities, potentially offering protection against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s 11. Additionally, it has been observed to have mood-improving effects, which could be beneficial for mental health 1.
  • Bone Health and Menopause Symptoms: Studies indicate that royal jelly and bee pollen can reduce bone loss associated with osteoporosis 11. Furthermore, royal jelly has shown promise in alleviating symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome (PMS), providing relief from menstrual symptoms and improving PMS symptoms over several cycles 9.

Royal jelly’s capacity to promote healing, from enhancing skin collagen production to aiding in wound recovery, underscores its value in natural health remedies 11 4. Moreover, its potential role in improving male fertility, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and reducing inflammation highlights its broad-spectrum benefits 11. Whether consumed for specific health concerns or general wellness, royal jelly presents a natural option worth considering in one’s dietary supplement regimen.

Royal Jelly for Skin and Wound Healing

Royal jelly has been recognized for its potential in enhancing skin health and expediting wound healing. Here’s a closer look at how it contributes to skin repair and fights inflammation:

  1. Fibroblast Movement and Wound Healing:
    • A 2010 laboratory study highlighted royal jelly’s ability to significantly increase fibroblast movement towards wounds, suggesting it could accelerate wound healing processes 9.
    • This effect is further supported by animal studies, where royal jelly extract led to increased collagen production in rats and enhanced tissue repair capacity in human cells 1.
  2. Antibacterial Properties:
    • Royal jelly’s antibacterial effect plays a crucial role in keeping wounds clean and free from infection, thereby supporting the healing process 1.
  3. Inflammation Modulation:
    • Research involving Castanea mollissima Bl. royal jelly showed its ability to speed up wound closure, enhance keratinocytes’ proliferative and migratory capabilities, and modulate inflammation by inhibiting nitric oxide production between day 2 and day 4 12.
    • Additionally, Brassica napus L. royal jelly has been found to regulate inflammation by reducing the amount of tumour necrosis factor-α, further aiding in the healing process 12.

These findings underscore royal jelly’s potential as a natural aid in skin care and wound healing, making it a valuable addition to health and wellness routines.

Improving Bone Health and Menopause Symptoms

Royal jelly (RJ) has been studied for its potential benefits on bone health and menopause symptoms, offering promising results for postmenopausal women. Here’s a breakdown of the findings:

  • Bone Health:
    1. RJ’s rich nutritional profile, including calcium, collagen, and vitamins, supports bone health 13.
    2. A study involving 72 postmenopausal women found that RJ consumption helped maintain femoral bone mineral density (BMD) and strength, contrasting with the placebo group that experienced significant BMD loss 1514.
    3. Royal jelly protein (RJP) intake was linked to higher BMD in the lumbar spine and tibia, and increased femur breaking force, suggesting RJ’s bone-sparing effects 16.
    4. The estrogenic activities of specific RJ fatty acids, such as 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid, contribute to its bone health benefits 17.
  • Menopause Symptoms:
    1. RJ has shown efficacy in reducing depression and enhancing memory in postmenopausal rats 1.
    2. In a study of 42 postmenopausal women, daily supplementation with 800 mg of RJ for 12 weeks effectively reduced back pain and anxiety 1.
    3. RJ is considered potentially effective for alleviating menopausal symptoms, PMS, and improving overall well-being in menopausal women 94.

These findings underscore royal jelly’s potential as a natural remedy for improving bone health and alleviating menopause symptoms, making it a valuable addition to women’s health management strategies.

Royal Jelly for Cognitive Function and Mental Health

Exploring the profound impact of royal jelly on cognitive function and mental health reveals its potential as a natural remedy for neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive impairments. Here’s how royal jelly could be a game-changer in brain health:

  • Neuroprotective Effects:
    1. Royal jelly combats neuronal degeneration, particularly in the hippocampal region, a critical area affected in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) 18.
    2. It promotes neurogenesis, the regrowth of brain cells, and has been shown to reverse neuronal degeneration in studies 18.
  • Potential in Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention:
    1. Enzyme-treated royal jelly supplementation has shown promising results in delaying aging and improving protein solubility in C. elegans, a model organism for studying AD 18.
    2. Due to AD’s correlation with dietary factors and malabsorption, royal jelly’s nutritional properties may offer preventive benefits 18.
  • Cognitive Enhancement:
    1. Royal jelly restores cognitive performance in aged models and AD, highlighting its potential in improving memory and cognitive functions 19.
    2. Although human trials are limited, the existing evidence supports further investigation into royal jelly’s therapeutic benefits for cognitive impairment 19.

By addressing critical aspects of cognitive health, from neuroprotection to cognitive enhancement, royal jelly emerges as a promising natural supplement for improving mental well-being and combating neurodegenerative disorders.

Recommended Dosage and How to Use

When considering incorporating royal jelly into your wellness routine, it’s essential to understand the recommended dosage, how to use it effectively, and some additional tips to maximize its benefits. Here’s a straightforward guide:

  • Recommended Dosage:
    • For general health maintenance: 1-2 grams daily (approximately ¼ to ½ teaspoon) 21.
    • For medicinal use: Increase to 4-5 grams daily (approximately ½ teaspoon), not exceeding 10 grams 21.
    • Special brain protection blend: 2000 mg of royal jelly with 1 teaspoon of raw honey 18.
  • Optimal Consumption Method:
    1. Direct Absorption: Place fresh royal jelly under the tongue for 5-10 minutes before swallowing. This method ensures direct absorption into the bloodstream 20.
    2. Avoid Immediate Swallowing: Swallowing royal jelly right away can diminish its medicinal effects due to the digestive process. Plus, it has an unpleasant taste if consumed immediately 20.
  • Usage Cycle:
    • Adults: 1 gram per day. After 15 to 30 days, take a break for the same duration 20.
    • Children Over 5: Maximum of 0.5 grams daily 20.
    • Infants: Dosage by weight (0.01 g/kg) 20.
    • Annual Dose: For prevention, 110 grams (12 bottles) yearly, with a daily dose for 10 days followed by a break until the end of the month. The maximum annual dose is 180 grams, with mandatory breaks 20.

Remember, royal jelly is best taken in the morning on an empty stomach to avoid potential insomnia due to its energy-raising properties 21. Always keep royal jelly in a freezer at -5 Celsius to preserve its freshness and maximize health benefits 21. If you experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use immediately 2.


Through the meticulous exploration of royal jelly’s composition, health benefits, skincare advantages, role in bone health and menopause relief, as well as its impact on cognitive function and mental health, it becomes evident that royal jelly is a potent natural supplement worth considering. The unique properties of this bee-derived substance, including its potential in enhancing immunity, promoting skin health, supporting bone density, alleviating menopause symptoms, and improving cognitive functions, underscore its value in a holistic wellness approach. However, it is paramount to be aware of the recommended dosages and optimal consumption methods to maximize its benefits while minimizing potential adverse reactions.

Reflecting on the broader implications of incorporating royal jelly into one’s health regimen, it’s clear that this natural product holds significant promise for various aspects of human health and well-being. The ongoing research and positive anecdotal evidence suggest avenues for further exploration and potential therapeutic applications. To those looking to harness the natural benefits of royal jelly, it offers an intriguing addition to complement traditional health practices and dietary supplements. As with any supplement, individuals are encouraged to consult healthcare professionals before integrating it into their routine, ensuring it aligns with their unique health profiles and goals.


[1] – https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/royal-jelly [2] – https://www.rxlist.com/supplements/royal_jelly.htm [3] – https://www.verywellhealth.com/the-benefits-of-royal-jelly-89507 [4] – https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-503/royal-jelly [5] – https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/royal%20jelly [6] – https://www.dictionary.com/browse/royal%20jelly [7] – https://www.britannica.com/science/royal-jelly [8] – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK580274/ [9] – https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324152 [10] – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9989319/ [11] – https://draxe.com/nutrition/royal-jelly/ [12] – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7682067/ [13] – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32880201/ [14] – https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13697137.2020.1806815 [15] – https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/13697137.2020.1806815 [16] – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8342184/ [17] – https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/12/16/5309 [18] – https://www.bee-pollen-buzz.com/royal-jelly-brain-health.html [19] – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7601550/ [20] – http://www.mmm.ba/royal-jelly/Use-and-dosage-Royal-jelly.html [21] – https://drbee.ca/blogs/news/pure-fresh-royal-jelly-use-benefits-dosage-storage-royal-jelly-101 [22] – https://examine.com/supplements/royal-jelly/

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